The Malters clock

The parish church of Mal­ters is con­se­cra­ted to St. Mar­tin and is one of the ear­ly places of wor­ship built in Switz­er­land. The actu­al parish church of St. Mar­tin was erec­ted bet­ween 1833 and 1839 – with the hig­hest stee­p­le in the can­ton of Lucer­ne. The tower-clock in the spi­re was part of the new building.

In 1838 Leonz Suter from Klee­wald, Rothen­burg LU, manu­fac­tu­red the clock for the church of Mal­ters as one of the last wrought iron clocks in Switz­er­land. He built ano­ther iden­ti­cal clock with two full hour striking works for the parish church of Sem­pach LU